Luke 18:1 – Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
The bible says we should pray without ceasing {1 Thessalonians 5:16-18}. Though a lot of us must have been praying for a while and you feel like giving up because you think God is not answering, well do not give up prayer is the only master key that can open all doors of success. In Luke 18:2-8 Jesus told a parable about a woman whom went to meet a judge to avenge her in her adversary but the judge did not agree to avenge her. A lot of people would have just given up because the judge refuse to assist them but this woman never gave up she kept troubling him. And in verse  4 - 5 the man said to himself though I fear not God nor regard man yet because this widow troubles me. I will avenge her, lest by her continua coming she weary me. This is what an unjust Judge says how much more your father in heaven He will surely answer you and grant you that which you have so longed for just keep praying and have faith.
Note continuous prayers create a coverage around you which will give the enemy no space to afflict you and helps you to create a good relationship with God allowing you to understand his will for you.
The devil always try to find a way to stop you from praying so he will always bring distraction and guilt to you,  each time you want to pray, note that no matter how great your sin is God is merciful and will forgive if you ask for mercy and repent from your sinful ways, do not let the devil use guilt of sin to stop you from praying, Keep on praying do not give up and you will surely be favoured.
Food for thought: If you make prayer an habit then success will become your lifestyle.

I pray God strengthen your prayer life, take away any distraction and guilt stopping you from praying and may his grace and favour abound in your life in Jesus name. Have a blessed day.
‪#‎Arerierian_Kelly O.
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