God is able to provide

God is able to provide all your needs through Christ our lord all you need to do is ask and believe.
 John 14:14 you may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Matt. 7:7 " *A* sk and it will be given to you;
                    *S* eek and you will find;
                    *K* nock and the door will be opened to you”
Don’t not seek the provision seek the provider and he will make away for . Your days of struggling are over there is a special grace coming to solve your special case In Jesus Name!!!…
I Want to say a special thank you to Pastor Gabriel EOF Omobriola for being a great mentor and a teacher, to Prophetess O. T. Linda for always being there for me, to my father Pastor Arerierian Alvin Emobosan for being a great father an adviser and an encourager, to my mother Iyaga Edith for all the discipline while I was growing up and also to all reading this message. May God richly bless you all.Have a blessed day.
#Arerierian Kelly O.

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