Christianity has come to a place were people no longer see the efficacy and the power in the name of Jesus and even come to the extent were they misuse the name. I want you to be reminded that the name of Jesus is the name above all names and it is capable of pulling down strong holds and even till now still does.
Jesus said ask anything in my name and I will do it for you {John 14:14}, a lot of people may wonder why the name don't work for them. Well the plane reason is that they have misused the name so much they do not see its importance and even do not believe in its power.
Why do you think we always end our prayers with the name of Jesus? It's simply because Jesus is way the truth and the light and no one comment to the father except through Him {John 14:16}. Note that the son of God became the son of man for the sons of man to become the son of God, when Jesus came to die for us on the cross he build a bridge across the distance between God and man allowing man to be able to communicate with God at ease but that bridge can on be accessed by the name of Jesus and that is why we always end our prayers with the name of Jesus.
One thing you should know is that no matter the situation you find yourself the name of Jesus can bring you out of it but you have to know the power in the name and believe it works. Look at it from this perspective just as you need phone and credit to communicate to someone afar Jesus came to bring us the phone now the name of Jesus is the credit we need to talk to God and your believe is what loads in the credit.
The final thing you should note is not to use the name without believing and realising it's power, the seven sons of Sceva tried to use the name of Jesus to cast out a demon without believing and realising it's power and they were beaten by the demon till they were naked and wounded {Acts 19:11-16}, that is to show you not to just use the name in vain.
Food for thought - You don't just use the name of Jesus because other people are using it you have to believe it works and realise its power.
I pray the lord gives you the wisdom to use the name of Jesus wisely in Jesus name. Amen..Have a wonderful day.
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