Trial is said to be an act of testing the quality and performance of something or someone..
Most times we get confused between trial and temptation, Temptation is from the devil which comes to our mind to make us do something unrighteous before God. But trial comes from God to test of our faith, strengthen us, make us wiser, and lead us to the right part.

We get so addicted to the mentality that trial is a very bad experience of suffering and pain and God has forsaken us, but Roman 5:3-5 says
And not only so, but glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulations worketh patience: And patience, Experience and experience bring hope: And hope drive away shame...
Now many will ask why should we glory in tribulation when it is such an awful experience and a period of pain..
Well trial is like working in a dark tunnel hoping to see light some day, we are to glory in tribulation because we are going through a tunnel and at the end of the tunnel there is light and fullness of Joy for sorrow endures for a night and joy cometh in the morning...
So in what ever you are going through do not give up on God believe it is just a for a while light is at the other end..
I pray today God give the strength to go through all your trying times through Christ our lord..Amen!!!
Have a blessed day

‪#‎Arerierian‬ Kelly O.
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