`1.HIDDEN INTENTIONS: A lot of people do not prosper because of the intentions they have planned in their heart for the time they get prosperous, plans of revenge, fornication, emulations, drunkenness, rebelling. Note that God see’s the heart of all men and until your change those negative thoughts you can never prosper. A lot of people do not commit some sins not because they do not want to but because the do not have the money to. God will never give you anything that will make you go away from his will... To prosper you should start changing your mindset and start thinking how to help others and support God’s work with your prosperity.
2. WHAT THEY DO WITH THEIR TALENT: The bible says a mans gift makes way for him{ Proverbs 18:16 } but what you do with your gifts matters a lot in the bible three different people were given different amount of talent but  the one with one talent saw not the use for it. So he decided to bury it and he ended up losing it to the one whom was give ten {Matthew 25:14-30}… And that why they say the rich are getting richer while the poor get more poorer because they use their talents well.. Ahithophel decided to use his talent of wisdom against David and God turned is his wisdom to foolishness {Samuel 15-31}. God has given us different gift to do his work he has predestinated what we will do to support his work even before we were born {Ephesians 2:10}.To be prosperous you need to use the gift which God has given you well and also to support the work of God…
3. SELFISHNESS:  Luke 6:38 - Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Even many unbelievers know this principle that is why they prosper. The greatest secret of prospering is giving for giving is like sowing a grain of corn and there is no way you can sow a grain of corn and expect to harvest one grain you will definitely reap bountifully.

I pray that God grant you the grace to start changing your mindset towards his will for you and may He start repositioning you for prosperity from today, In Jesus name. Amen!!!

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