Religion says you must EARN your salvation by doing good deeds or certain acts and following certain laws.  Christianity says all we need to do is BELIEVE that Christ has already paid the price for the evil we have done. .  For Jesus Christ stepped into our place and paid the awful price that had to be paid for us.  He gave us the free gift of salvation if we choose to believe in Jesus {1 Pet 3:18}.
Religion is like let’s dress up the outside make it look nice and neat, but it's funny because that's what they use to do to mummies while the corps rots underneath.
In every other aspect of life you will see that, that logic is not worthy, is like saying you play for Chelsea just because you wear their Jersey.
Christianity and religion are on opposite spectrum.
Religion is about what man has to DO to be right with God.  Christianity is about what God has already DONE to provide us the opportunity to be right with Him.
Religion says slave, Christianity says son
Religion puts you in bondage, while Christianity sets you free
Religion makes you blind, but Christianity makes you see{ Rom 3:19-25}.
Religion is about following a set law to be right in the site of God, Christianity is more about receiving Christ as your lord and savior thereby living in grace, having the word of God in your spirit and loving your neighbor { Matt 22:37-40, Rom 13:9-10,}.
Religion is man trying to reach up to God.  The message of Christianity is God reaching down to man, and that is why in Christianity salvation is free to all those who believe in Christ.
With this I hope you see why Christianity is not a religion.

I Pray God help you to find salvation and become real Christian other than just being religious, Through Christ our lord. Amen!!!
#‎Arerierian_Kelly O.
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