Trial part 2


I want you to know in anything you are going through there is divine purpose here are some reasons why we face trial.
1. TO TEST OUR FAITH: sometimes God let trial come to us to test our faith. Job 1:6-22
Job had to go through very many afflictions and God let these afflictions come to him to test his faith but at the end he was restore more than his former glory.
2.FOR US TO FIND THE RIGHT PART: Note if Joseph had not been sold by his brother and put in prison he would have never had gotten to the palace Genesis 42:5-11..Note Jonah had to be swallowed by a fish for him to follow the part God planned for him Jonah 1:11-17. most times God brings trial our path to direct us towards achieving our destiny so do not be depressed when you face trial it is to set you on the right path be encouraged and stand firm..
3. FOR THE NAME OF GOD TO BE GLORIFIED AND TO BRING SALVATION TO OTHERS: If Shadrach Meshach and Abednego had not been put in the fire the king would have never seen the power of God: Daniel 3:16-30, If God had not allowed Paul and Silas to be put in the prison the prison keepers would have not been brought to salvation Act: 16:16-40.
4. FOR US TO CHANGE FROM OUR SINFUL WAYS: In the book of Jeremiah the children of Israel turned away from God and were living in sin this made God to Allow afflictions to come on them until Jeremiah pleaded for mercy and they were restore in Jeremiah 30..Most times affliction comes to us because of our sinful ways but our God is a merciful God, He will forgive as many as repent from their sinful ways and bring restoration upon their life..
Note for every thing you are going through there is a reason just be firm in God and there will divine restoration on your life...

I Pray God grant you the grace to see why you are going through your affliction and strengthen you..

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