1. KEEPING FAITHLESS COMPANY: 1 Corinthians 15:33 say do not be deceived for evil communications corrupt good manners. Note that no matter how strong your faith is if you keep faithless company they will drop down your faith, because each time you try to see how a situation is possible for God to do. They will convince you to see how it is impossible. Faith is contagious when you are always around people with faith your faith grow stronger and stronger.
2. DEPRESSION: In Job 3:1 Job cursed the day he was born because of the depression of the pain he was feeling. This happens during the time of his trials. Many at times people misquote trial and tend to be depressed during the time of trial, but Roman 5:3-5 says we should glory in tribulation because it comes only to make you wiser and to prepare you for the miracle coming your way. The devil does not bring you trial, trials comes to strengthen your faith but the devil comes during the times of your trials to afflict you so that you will loose your faith in God because the devil knows that is when you are most vulnerable. So do not let the devil make you loose your faith through depression but rather glory in your tribulation because you know God is preparing you for a greater miracle.
3. FEAR: Fear is one of the major factors that affect our faith because it is the total opposite of faith. Faith according to Hebrew 11:1 is substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen but the full meaning of F.E.A.R is false evidence appearing real. The devil use fear to kill our faith but your faith is there to help you overcome fear. Believe with God all things are possible and believe He can make a way when there seem to be no way. Psalm 27:1 say the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear? Definitely nobody, because if God is with you no one can be against you. So each time the devil brings in fear to bring down your faith resist him by saying the lord is my light and my salvation and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
4. SIN: Many at times people loose their faith because of guilt of sin. I want to tell you today that there is no sin too big for the blood of Christ to watch away just ask for mercy and repent from your sinful ways and your sins will be forgiven. Note that the devil is a liar and a very loud one so he screams the guilt of your sins into your head and try to bring down your believe in your prayers. But I urge you from today each time he tries to bring the guilt remind him that Christ have died for your sins and you are forgiven. 
5. DEFICIENCY OF THE WORD GOD: Roman 10:17 says faith come by hearing and hearing the word of God. Trust me hearing the word Sundays alone is not enough to grow your faith, You have to feed your faith daily with the word of God. Just like if you starve yourself you will grow thin in the same way if you lack the word of God your faith grows thin, Just imagine eating only on Sundays how you will look like, Note that that is how your faith is like when you only listen to God's word on Sundays.
DOUBT is another important fact you should consider about faith the moment you start having double thought on the power of God you start loosing faith in God and if you have no faith in God nothing you ask from God comes to pass. In mark 6:1-7 Jesus Christ did not do many miracles in Nazareth because the people doubted what he could do. Note that you can't receive until you believe.
Finally I will end by saying with faith we are made right with God {Roman 5:2} and with God all things are possible. 
I pray that God help you overcome faith killers and live right with Him through Christ our Lord. Amen !!! Have a blessed day.
Follow up previous messages on faith @ #valley_of_light including #The_concept_of_faith and #The_test_of_faith.

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