Religion is a system of beliefs or a code of moral conduct that judges (qualifies or disqualifies) a person based on their adherence and obedience to certain codes, rules, laws, traditions, or the performance of required acts which people are accustomed to. 
Christianity is more than just a religion. Unfortunately most people claim to be Christians but they are just being religious they become church goers taking going to church as an accustomed activity but not really having salvation... In Matthew 23:1-4 you discover that the problem with people who are religious is that they pretend in the open to be righteous but inside they are dubious, doing things in the church to please men but not yielding to the word of God. And most times they are the ones who see the fault in others but do not practice love.
When you practice religion, your relationship with God is degraded to a mathematical formula, Do this, then do this, don’t do that, and then you are right in the eyes of God.
But Christianity is more than just following a bunch of rule it is about [As Jesus Himself said in Matt 22:37-40] Loving the Lord your God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself. For all other commandments and laws are under this {Rom 13:9-10}. Christianity is more about receiving Christ as your lord and savior thereby living in grace, having the word of God in your spirit and loving your neighbor.
Through Christ we are made perfect in God’s eyes. We are forgiven from all sin; past and future. When we receive Him, He gives us his Holy Spirit that has the power to change us and make us more like Him {The Bible describes this process as Holy Spirit producing fruit, Gal 5:16-18, 22-25 }. This is a process, but as this happens we begin to realize that we are living in the love originally required by the righteousness. The original intention, the heart of the law, is established in our lives. Our relationships with God and others are founded in love.
Religious people judge those who does wrong while Christian tell them the truth so they can change.
I pray God gives you the grace to change from being religious to being real a Christians, through Christ our lord. AMEN!!!
‪#‎Arerierian_Kelly‬ O.
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