Luke 17:17-19 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.
A lot of people these days become so concentrated and concern about what God has not done for them that the forget to show a appreciation for what he has done. Ten lepers were healed by Jesus but only one came back to show appreciation and that one was made whole.
Note until you learn to show appreciation in the little things God has done you can never show appreciation if a great thing is done unto you because you will start aiming for a higher miracle forgetting about the one you have received .
Think of a how fellow man feels and does when you show appreciation for even a little thing he does unto you and how he will be motivated to do more and think of his reaction when you do not show appreciation, How much more your creator.
Food for thought: Note this Your APPRECIATION is an APPLICATION for God to do more in your life. So from today onward I urge you to stop thinking about what God has not done and start appreciating his name for even the smallest thing done unto you and you will be blessed immeasurably..

I pray that God give you the spirit of appreciation in all things and may his blessings reach you at all your point of needs in Jesus Name. Amen!!!  Stay Blessed and the lord be with you always.
‪#‎Arerierian_Kelly O.
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