The Flesh Is taking Over! What will I Do?
Sometimes we get to a point in life when we feel as if
our flesh is taking over and we are struggling inside to overcome this lust of
the flesh that is persistently hunting us. Even though we know what we are
doing or what we are about to do is wrong there is this force that keeps
pushing us to do it. Sometime it leads us to the part of confusion and even
frustration. Now this question keeps
popping in, How do I overcome this? Well
here comes the end of your dismay, I will be sharing with you four steps to
overcoming the pressure of the flesh.
step 1. Examine yourself and find out where you are going
astray and then find out the people doing those same things around you and
prayerfully try to abstain from them for sometime. This is because no matter
how hard you try to overcome, if you keep hanging around those doing the same
thing you are trying to overcome, you will find yourself doing that same thing
you have vowed never to do again. The apostle Paul advice us to abstain from
every evil presence (2 Thessalonians 5:22) I am sure he must have wrote that
out of experience and also advice us not be deceived because evil communication
corrupt God manners (1 Corinthians 15: 33).
Step 2: After letting go of those dwelling in the flesh,
find people who are strong in the spirit not just those who claim to be
spiritual but those who really have the intimate fear of God (by their fruit
you will know them) and try to spend more time around them. This helps to
scrape off the rust edges of the flesh and sharpen your spiritual life. Iron
sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17)
Step 3: Try to study the word of God more. Most of the
reason why people find it difficult to overcome the flesh is because they have
a deficiency in the word of God, when Jesus was tempted by satan all three
times Jesus overcame with the word(Matthew 4:4 - 8). If you know the truth in
the word of God the lies of the world will not be able to lead you astray.
Step 4: Increase your prayer life. When the devil wants
to attack you the first thing he does is to weaken your prayer life, he tries
to limit your praying because he knows your praying limits his power over you.
No wonder Jesus warned peter to pray that he may not fall into temptation
(Matthew 26:41). Whenever you feel weak to pray that is the time you should
pray more. Your prayers draw you closer to God and help you build your intimacy
with Him. And note the closer you are to God is the further you will be from
the flesh.
Prayer: Father in heaven, strengthen me in my times of
weakness and let Your grace guild me through as I battle to overcome the flesh
in Jesus name.
Message by Arerierian kelly O.
Drop a comment on any question you have in mind we will
be glad to help you with the answers the scriptures offers. And don't forget to
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