Proverbs 14:30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones
1. WHEN YOU ENVY OTHERS YOU CAN NEVER GROW ABOVE THEM: I figured out many at time people don't prosper because they envy other people's achievement. Understand this when you envy what others do or have you can never grow higher than them, Because you will always aim at becoming like them and wanting to have what they have, forgetting that everyone has their own talent and their own gift to which they are to prosper. Life is like an exam and everyone have different question paper you can never pass if you copy someone else answers. Note this anything you are not graced with you can never succeed in it.
2. WHEN YOU ENVY OTHERS YOU CAN NEVER BUILD YOUR GIFT/TALENT: This is one principle I figure out of experience. I had a friend whom was wealthy and well to do in all areas of her life I have always envied her until one day we were chatting and she said to me "Kelly I wish I was like you”, that word touched me and that was when I knew that everyone has a special gift which has been given to them and until you stop envying the talent of others you can never build your own. This is why you see people with three to four degrees yet they are not well to do, because instead of focusing on building their talent they ended up learning what is not in line with their gift. Note that a mans gift makes way for him and bring him before great men {proverbs 18:16}
3. YOU CAN NEVER BE HAPPY WHEN YOU ENVY OTHERS: when you are envious of what other people do or have, instead of working with and appreciating what you have you will keep being depressed about what you do not have which will lead to anger and anger to hatred. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work {James 3:16}..In Genesis 4:1-14 Cain became envious of the acceptance of Abel’s offering to God and instead of taking correction in it to make a better offering next time; His envy turned to anger and led him to kill his own brother this made an everlasting course to come upon him. To become happy in your life you should always have the mindset that you may not have all you want but you can achieve a lot more with what you have.
I pray that God help me find my given talent and help to stop envying what other people have and do, in Jesus name. Amen!! Have a blessed day.
#Arerierian_Kelly O.
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