God Is Ready To Give!

God Is Ready To Give!

We all need something in life in one way or another, some more desperately than others... Others more anxious than most, when all this is present it leads to the wrong means of acquiring what you want.
Isaiah 55;1-2" the lord says come, every one who is thirsty - here is water! Come, you that have no money buy corn and eat! Come buy wine and milk it will cost you nothing," this is just the verse 1 of it and it tells you to come and buy, eat and drink without money! Are you thirsty for something? God is calling you he says you should come, are you hungry are you seeking for job? God says you don't need money you should come. I don't think any firm offers that for nothing. Moving on to verse 2 "why spend money on what does not satisfy?
Why spend your wages and still be hungry?
Listen to me and do what I say and you will enjoy the best food of all."
God is asking you why are you wasting money on Drugs, sex, medicine ,problems ,Betting etc those things will never satisfy you, instead come to God and follow in his ways only then will you enjoy what he promised.
God knows what you need and he is ever ready to give you what you need for every Good course!
Matthew 7;7 "ask and ye shall receive!, but today one of the main reason why believers want to get is out of #SELFISHNESS. Why do you need that car?- to impress your friends, why do you need that money? - to buy yourself fancy clothing and unnecessary attire? Or just to catch up to society....
Many Christian are canal and worldly, learn to ask for important things and wait on God., God is nevr too late to grant whatever we ask its huts that we can't wait on God for his right time.
God through Jesus already said "for this reason you should ask the father for whatever you need so that your joy may be complete." the highest type of joy is felt when you see the happiness you brought to people face.
Learn to ask for what will make not just you happy, there is already provision for it 2 Cor 9;8
Finally psalm 37;4 "seek your happiness in the lord and he will grant your heart desire., if you love God you don't need to ask before he will give you.! Christ who is rich in glory became poor that you may be rich. Never forget that..........., and don't complain to God after all your not paying for the gift of life in you or the free air you breath.... Don't thank just God after he has given you but rather thank him before you receive it that FAITH!!!!!!

In the name of Jesus Christ I bind every spirit of selfishness from your life, let the grace of God grant your heart desire in Jesus name amen!


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