Matthew 6:22-23 -> The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light, but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
The eye is the light of the body and what you choose look at determine if the body will be filled with light or darkness. No one can control what he/she see but you can control what you look at.
In 2 Sam 11:2 it was said that in an evening tide, David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon. Note the first site was just a woman taking her bath but by the time he decided to look he saw how beautiful she is.
Many at times men fall into fornication and adultery for this same reason. Let say you see a girl passing by and decided to look from there you start lusting and the next thing is to go for her number and before you know it you have committed a sin and then you say it is the devil, the devil did not force you to look you had the choice to look or to turn away. Note that, that same girl you saw and decided to look at and lust after other men had seen and looked away.
The devil can market and advertise things to you but he does not force you to patronize them you choose to. In genesis 3:6 eve was made to see how good the fruit forbidden will be to eat. Understand that the tree did not change it was the same tree she have always saw but by the time the devil through the serpent advertised and told her the benefits of the fruit she decided to look and she saw that indeed the fruit will be good to eat.
The first site of something unjust may be a mistake but by the time you decide to look again you brings the interest into your mind and before you know it you have start going for that unjust thing.
I want you to know from today that you can not control what you see but you have a choice weather to look or not. Use your choice wisely..
I pray that God help you to look away from unrighteous things from today onward in Jesus name .Amen! Have a wonderful day.
‪#‎Arerierian_Kelly‬ O.
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