Are you struggling to stop a sinful habit{Masturbating, pornography,stealing,drinking e.t.c} and each time you try so hard to change but you end up going back to it? Below are major key points that will help you overcome that habit.
1.Resisting With The Tongue: many at time you do not want to commit some sins but you find yourself doing that same thing you thought of stopping that is because you do not confess resisting words, thinking of changing alone is not enough to resist the temptation you have to resist it with your mouth out loud, , Even Jesus resisted the devil by saying it out{Matthew 4:4-10}. Note that the tongue is the most powerful part of the human body it has the power of life and death{proverb 18:22}.Each time that lust, urge to steal, destroy, Envy ,urge to drink, comes tell the devil get behind me and not just saying this in your mind but say it out loud keep doing this and trust me my dear the devil will get tired. one thing you must know is the devil does not give up easily do not get tired of mentioning it continue until that temptation no longer comes.
2.Abstaining From People Whom Commit That Sin: Don't be deceived evil communication corrupts good manners{1 Corinthians 15:33} no matter how much you say have changed if you continue to dwell around people who does same thing you are avoiding you will definitely fall for that temptation again the best way is to abstain from people committing those sins.
3.Always Read And Listen To The Word Of God: When you always listen to the word of God your mind will be renewed and will be filled only with positive thoughts. Note an idle mind is the devils workshop always read the word of God and even better download audio sermons and listen to, if you have nothing doing there a lot of them out there in the net.
4.Finally pray about it: commit that habit to God he will give you the strength to overcome.
I pray that God give me the strength and wisdom to overcome all my negative habits in Jesus name.Amen!!!Have a Blessed day.
#Arerierian_Kelly O.
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