Mark 11:24-Therefore I say unto you, What so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
In mark 11:23 Jesus gave an assurance that all that believe can move mountain, Note he did not say only Apostles or prophets, He said ‘’ as many that believe", and He further said in verse 24 that you shall receive all you ask if you will only believe.
Now ask yourself this question do you really believe in your prayers after you have prayed?
If you do then why are you still complaining about that same problem. One thing you should know is that when you ask of something from God and you believe, it will delivered to you immediately in the spiritual realm now all you need is to continue believing for it to come to pass in the physical. But a lot of people end up loosing it in the spiritual realm even before it comes to pass physically because they choose to loose their believe due to impatience.
The fact that you don't see it immediately or any sign of it coming does not mean God has not already provided it.. Sometimes it take a little longer for you to be rightly position for your request to come to pass according to God's will.
God would not give you anything that will lead you astray so when you ask for something He will first position you in the place that if you receive it you will not be led astray, but then if you choose to loose your believe during the trying times met to reposition you, you will end up loosing that which you have prayed for because your unbelief is a sign that you do not trust God with your problems.
Think about this when the centurion approached Jesus with the issue of his servant's illness he believe that Jesus could heal his servant and he told Jesus all he needed was for him to speak the word, the bible says Jesus was amazed by his believe and said let it be so as you have said and his servant was healed even from afar. That is the power of believe.{Matthew 8:5-13}
Piece of advice for all reading if you know you have even an atom of unbelief about what you are about to ask from God for don't pray immediately take your time to think of how great God is and how small your problem is to him and you will see the manifestation of God's power in your situation. The woman with the issue of blood had faith even before she left her house that if she could come in contact with Jesus she will be healed and behold when she touched Jesus, her bleeding stopped immediately{Luke 8:40–56}.Have you ever tried imagining how the woman with such case went through the huge crowd, well she was patient and she persistently went through the crowd to get to her breakthrough.
Food for thought – Your believe is the key to opening the door to your breakthrough but your patience in believe opens the door for you to enter.
I pray God open your mind to understand the important of believe and may he build up you faith in him through Christ our Lord. Amen!!!God bless you and I wish you a wonderful day.

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