MATT 18; 21- Tells us about a forgotten question asked and a short parable. The question was "how many times do i have to forgive a brother who keeps on sinning, seven times? And Jesus said seventy times seventy times. And we know that know no one can offend you that much... But why did Jesus says that…Further down you see a parable of a king and a servant who owed him a huge amount of Gold and was unable to pay., he had to beg for mercy, the king was merciful and pardoned him but that same servant went out and saw another servant who owed him a few coins., he threaten the servant and threw him in jail., then the king heard about the issue and became angry he told the servant that he too should have forgive another as he did but didn't so the servant was locked up to pay the dept of the king. The parable is talking about God and you..., forgiveness is very important so much Jesus included it in this manner in the lords prayer "forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us" and at the end of the parable he made a remarkable statement v35 "that is how your father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart" so beloved note this, forgive others the way you want God to forgive you.
1. When you forgive you are connected to a nature of God
2. There's is nothing like forgive but don't forget. Psalm 130:3-4, if you kept a record of our sins who could escape being condemned, but you forgive us so that we can stand in awe of you," in the new covenant God said "and their sin I shall remember no more" so if God choose to forget your sin, then who are you to remember the sins of others against you.
3. A forgiving spirit is a peacemaker, Matt 5;9" happy are the peace maker for they shall be called sons of God" a child of God must forgive.
4. Unforgiveness is a confirmation as a son to the devil. You should kill the spirit of unforgiveness, there is nothing like that's how I am." when u say that you're indirectly saying I belong to devil.
5. When you forgive it doesn't go with a price or punishment or conditions it should come from within with no strings attached to it., REMEMBER the lords prayer say "forgive us our trespasses #AS we for those who trespass against us..," so beloved the way you forgive that's how God will forgive you., if you add conditions God will give you conditions also, instead leave vengeance for God.
 6. Making the first move of "Am sorry" is a sign you have already forgiven the person even when the person has not apologies...
7. Unforgivness is a blanket that hinders all your work, prayers, mind. Rest. Even life, its like drinking a poison to hurt others..., mark 11; 25 "... When you stand to pray forgive anything you may have had against anyone............
I pray for the spirit of forgiveness to rest upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
#Andrycole Edward

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