Hebrew 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
How is faith gotten?
Roman 10:17 says faith commet by hearing and hearing of the word of God. When you become born again accepting Christ as you lord and saviour a seed of faith is sown in your life now this seed grow gradually by frequently hearing the word of God till it becomes strong enough to be put to action.
The major thing I want to share with you about THE concept of faith the three major components of faith.
1. Believe: Faith has to do with believing in God completely, that he can do anything and all things at any time and anywhere the book of mark 10:27 says with God all things are possible. until you believe that God can do all things your faith is not yet activated. Having faith means when you have an expectation from God you have full believe that he will grant your expectation no matter the situation.
2.Patience: a lot of people have this mentality that because you have faith whatever you say will happen immediately. well yes most of the time it happens immediately but sometimes having faith means being patient waiting for God to do that which you have asked at his own set and appointed time. Abraham was Called the father of faith not because what he asked for came to him immediately but because he trusted and waited for God to grant him his request at God's own appointed time.. Sometimes faith simply means waiting patiently for God to act.if you can be patient you will realize God even Have a greater plan for your life.
3. Declaration: This is one of the most important factor you should consider about faith. when you believe God can do something for you all you do is expect and declare positively about what you have asked and not complain after taking the problem to God.. Many at time a lot of people take their problems to God and end up taking it back with their declaration...
In the book Luke 1:11-20, an angel appeared unto Zachariah a priest of Judea and told him, his prayers has been heard and that he will be blessed with a son which shall be great and which will be filled with the Holy Ghost. but he said unto the angel how is this possible I am old and I my wife is barren and the angel replied and said because you do not believe you will be dumb till the child is born.. Note that the angel knows the power of his declaration and if he goes around declaring how it is impossible he will end up loosing his blessing so he was made dumb.
when you have faith you believe that your expectation will be granted but note that your declaration will determine the manifestation of your expectation.
Finally i will end by saying if you have no faith You can not please God. Hebrews 11:6 says And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
I pray God help you strengthen your faith and may He grant your expectation in Jesus name. Amen!!! Have a blessed day.

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