Lust is one of the
negative vices young people BATTLE with and become so rampant. it can be defined
as the imaginary rehearsal of sexual sinful behavior. Something that going on
in your imaginations and may eventually become an action. Matt 5:27-28 lusts
begin from your heart and to lust is a sin (sin). Without a doubt lust is like
a fragrance in the air of the society giving birth to rampant fornication and
adultery. Lust for an individual especially "teenagers" in this
present age may seem as normal if not regular feeling, and it leads the various
kind of sin yet it comes with great punishment and negative effect on one's
1. Spiritual deafness: lust is a sin and it is condemned
in the bible if one continues in it., he is blocked from the grace of God and
his prayers hindered Isaiah59. God does not speak to a polluted heart .
2. Sexual immorality: the sin that polluted Gods temple
(your body) 1 cor 3;16-17, end of lust is sexual immorality, God will destroy
those who polluted his temple. When uncontrolled leads to Satan imprisonment by
addiction to sex.
1. You must be born again!-Accepting Jesus s your lord
and saviour and telling him to come into your heart for a change is always the
first step to overcoming.
2. Avoid and abstain-An adage says "the piece of
meat you forbid don't cut with your teeth....." avoid things that will
increase or make you lust., e.g magazines, movies with sex scene, porn and even
friends who indulge in such act.., locking up yourself for a while if
necessary..... But you must abstain.
3 always memorize your bible something has to fill your
head so there be no space for lustful thoughts read Ephesians 4;27 "don't
give the devil a chance" James 1;14-15 "your desire gives birth to
sin and when fully grown leads to death!" don’t let it grow! 1peter
5;8-11..., "be at alert for the devil rams about like a roaring lion
looking for who to devour......" the question is will you be that
Finally Hebrew 4;15-16. God is ready to accept a broken and repentant
heart... He cannot reject that broken heart crying for change....
4. Pray always-Christ said "watch and pray always
that ye may not fall into temptation" and when you pray, do it with 1john
5;18 "we know that none of the children of God keeps on sinning, for the
son of God keeps them safe , abi the evil one annoy harm them....
In the name of Jesus
Christ that is above every other name let every spirit of lust over your life
be cast out......... Amen