The dictionary defined god to be anything one take supreme. Now the question is what is your God? is He the maker of creation or is it the things which He has created.
God so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten son, He gave us all he has so that we may in return give him back our love and all our heart but we have turned our back on him and we have chosen the things which He has created, forgetting he is the creator of all things.
Remember the bible says in Matthew 6:33 that we should seek his kingdom first and all other things shall be added unto us, but now it's the other way round we seek first every other thing before seeking God.
Many of us have placed sex, money and other worldly desires on the throne and which we worship, forgetting the true God of creation while Others have place their boyfriends, girlfriend and even studies before God forgetting He said, whosoever love his mother, father, son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me{Matthew 10:27}.
Now we only remember God when we are in distress and need, making more requests and showing less appreciation forgetting that we cannot share in a master's wealth unless you first serve him.
Christ gave us a parable of the prodigal son how he decided to take his share of his father’s wealth and left the father who provided for him and how he became miserable. Same thing happened to the Israelites when they desired and lusted after the things of the world, God granted them their request but they became lean in their souls (psalm 106:13-15) because they put their fleshly desire before him sacrificing deep joy for shallow happiness.
Now it's time to ask yourself, Who is on my throne? What am I worshiping? Is it my own desires or am I really worshiping God?
Some of us worship our processions while others worship their cars, some of us worship science while others worship art but note that anything you love more than God is your true God.
Now choose for yourself this day what you worship but as for me and my household we will serve the lord {Joshua 24:15}.

I pray the God give you the grace to put him first above all and may his blessings be abundant upon your life in Jesus name.Amen!!!

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